Oprah admitted that she has gained 40 pounds possibly because of a thyroid problem. I understand her position. Not that my fifteen minutes of fame measures up to Oprah's empire, but experienced the embarrassment she must be feeling right now. One of the reasons I never tell anyone that I had an 'Extreme Makeover' is mainly my recent weight gain. When I am recognized, I wonder if the me they see is the Before or the After.
When Oprah appeared on her show presenting her new healthy self touting her trainer, Bob Greene she made the statement that her life in food was under control. Unlike the Medi-fast, size 10 Calvin's episode from 1988, she had achieved her goals by implementing lifestyle changes. I did the same. I lost weight the proper way. If a celebrity, with a host of professionals at her call, can slip, so can I, so can all of us. It's okay I, we will get ourselves together.
By starting this blog one week ago I did what Oprah did today: I owned up to my problems. I owned up to letting food control me again. I owned it up to myself.
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